Who We Are

Epicenter:  A Literary Magazine began publishing in 1994 from Riverside California.  We publish poetry, short-stories, essays, and artwork. We are open to a wide variety of styles and subjects. We have published many authors including Ilya Kaminsky, Virgil Suarez, Stephen Pyle, Guy R Beining, Zdravka Evtimova, Egon H. E. Lass, B.Z. Niditch, Roibeard Ui-Neill, Buzzsaw, Alexander Chertok, and Randy Koch.

In the past the Editorial Board has paid for the printing, mailing, and promotion of the magazine.  As we have grown we have gained support from our readers, contributors, rich relatives, drunken bankers, and change from my mom's couch. 

We have decided that the magazine has outgrown our previous informal structure.  In order to gain wider circulation, we felt we need a more formal structure and decided to incorporate as a non-profit.  We are posting our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws here for those who are interested and because as a non-profit, copies of these documents need to be made public.

You can receive a subscription to Epicenter: A Literary Magazine for a donation of $28.00, current issue for $9.00 or back issues for $7.00. 


Jeff Green 

Cali Linfor:  clinfor@epicentermagazine.org

Rowena Silver:  rowena@epicentermagazine.org

Design And Layout

Andrew Peck: